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2019-03-23 記者 吳富正 點閱率:568



 原民會原住民族文化發展中心(文發中心)3/23在帛琉共和國與帛琉國家博物館簽署文化合作協定,同時在博物館舉辦「臺灣原住民族工藝文化特展」。協定由文發中心曾智勇主任與博物館Olympia E. Morei-Remengesau館長擔任代表簽署人,原民會主委夷將‧拔路兒Icyang‧Parod與帛琉共和國社區與文化部長Baklai Temengil-Chilton擔任見證人,簽署儀式後,蔡英文總統隨即蒞臨現場,共同參與開展儀式。




Austronesian Diplomacy Hard at Work! Indigenous Peoples Cultural Development Center and Belau National Museum Signs Cultural Cooperation Agreement

 The Indigenous Peoples Cultural Development Center (IPCDC) of Council of Indigenous Peoples signed the cultural cooperation agreement with Belau National Museum in the Republic of Palau today, the same time as the Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Craft and Culture Special Exhibition is being held at the Belau National Museum. The agreement is signed by Tseng Chih-Yung, Director General of IPCDC, and Olympia E. Morei-Remengesau, Director/Curator of the Museum, and bearing witnesses are Minister IcyangParod of CIP and Minister Baklai Temengil-Chilton of the Ministry of Community and Cultural Affairs. After the signing ceremony, President Tsai Ing-wen of Taiwan arrived to participate in the opening ceremony for the special exhibition.


    CIP mentioned that the bilateral MOU signed in 2010 kicked off many museum exchanges and events, including assisting the revitalization of the long-lost traditional cultures of clay art and taro in Palau. This cooperation agreement picks up from the substance of cooperation in the MOU and the results of past bilateral exchanges, and further continues the facilitation of cultural exchanges and museum research and developments, exchanges and mutual visits of indigenous cultural performers are also included to learn and preserve together the traditional music and dance cultures.


    Minister Icyang further pointed out that the Taiwan indigenous peoples and the people of Palau are both of the Austronesian family,  sharing great similarities in languages and cultures and have experienced frequent exchanges and great friendship in the past. When he first took position as minster of CIP in 2008, Belau National Museum dedicated an area to the exhibition on Taiwan indigenous peoples for tourists visiting Palau from every corner in the world to see. Now, after almost 11 years, in addition to signing the cultural cooperation agreement, CIP took this opportunity to update the entire Taiwan exhibition area to better present the rich and diverse cultures of the Taiwan indigenous peoples to travelers around the world.


    The theme of this exhibition is the Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Craft and Culture, introducing traditional crafts such as indigenous weaving, carving and clay pots. Along with the artifact collections of the 16 tribes, the depth and extensiveness of the cultures are demonstrated while drawing connection to the traditional clay pots and marine culture local to Palau. President Tsai Ing-wen also made time during her state visit to Palau to participate in the opening ceremony and tour at the museum. The opening ceremony began with blessings from the local elders in Palau and ended with a smoke signal lit following the traditional ritual of the Paiwan people from Taiwan, announcing the official opening of the Taiwan exhibition area.





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